This is Genevieve Bordon and I personally own this website. I have always loved putting my thoughts into writing and I would love to share them to you.
The works you’ll see and read around here are personally created by yours truly, unless quoted, otherwise. I hope you will find joy, peace, happiness, encouragement, inspiration, and maybe find yourself in a thought-provoking plight.
I have two beautiful girls, inside and out. They mean the world to me.
I love to travel and exploring new places. I enjoy fitness and working hard on it. I delight on anything entrepreneurship-related ideas or talks. I like meeting new faces and catching up with familiar ones. I like coffee (yes, I don’t love it haha).
Lastly, I believe in God. I was raised Catholic, still am, and planed to stay and grow in it. The inspiration of my blog’s title came from Psalm 19:14: